with and without you-εmotions

THIS FRIDAY! : 15th of December 2017
My second solo photo exhibition entitled “With and without you – εmotions” will take place on the 15th of December 2017, in Limassol, Cyprus. Three years later, in continuation of my first exhibition entitled “imark my blues”, I am attempting to share with you through this exhibition evidence of my strongest emotions that accompanied me during this period: Love, Joy, Surprise, Anger, Sadness, Fear.
Life is a journey and as a human being, you cannot escape from being related, so without relationship there is no existence. This exhibition consists of photos associated with those primary emotions of a relationship.
Information: www.centreforphotography6x6.com, info@cyprus6x6.com,
+357 25354810, Facebook: 6x6 Centre for Photography
Location: 19 Ipeirou Str., Limassol 3040 (parallel to Anexartisias str.)